On this blog I'm just going to write about what I'm thinking or what went on during my day letting it all out, its like this is my online diary, cause sometimes u cant always tell ur friends stuff :/
My formspring (ask me questions) http://www.formspring.me/account/inbox MY twitter :) https://twitter.com/badisbest

About Me

hi my name is Brittany Duncan, I'm 13 years old and I'm in the 8th grade. I like playing basketball, swimming, dodge-ball, ice skating, and other sports. i love hanging out with my friends. Sadly i hate not do my homework because i really don't want to fail, cause i don't want my life to go down the drain :( anyway.....yea...........i love video games (that have action), good movies, good tv shows (even though i dont have cable).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Chinese New Year (Year of the tiger)!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Chinese New Year (Year of the tiger) everyone!!! *sigh* you can't really expect anything to happen on valentine's day that would blow your mind. -________-
Sadly my valentine's day didn't involve any romance what so ever. I still didn't do my humanities, so how the day ends before i get to it, oh well. It seems that Angela, Olivia, Lois, Jin, and Kurumi all got money today. Oh wait i just remembered that Kurumi is Japanese. XD opps. Angela says she got $281 and i still haven't heard from everyone else....yet. I think I'm going to start working on Crush Life (story Leslie and I are writing [Jin helps to]) again. ok peace for now